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2022 North Meck Christmas Parade
A monumental staple in the GCAPA Christmas Season, the North Meck Parade is a fantastic experience year after year. In 2012, GCAPA won Most Enthusiastic in the parade and in 2013, Best Overall Float! It is heartwarming to see all the families come together to help create magic and then see it off and down Main Street with just our Stars and Sparkles dancing and floating down the street. Join us in a private group on Band just for the GCAPA Christmas Parade.
Tuition Fee: $35 per Star or Sparkle. Date of Parade: Saturday, December 3, 2022.
How It Works
1. Sparkles may walk in the parade with their families. Stars will dance alongside. Register Here.
2. Stars who choose to dance in the Parade must attend rehearsal on November 13.
Rehearsal is Saturday November 13, 12-2pm.
3. If you can be helpful to the design, creation, decoration of the float please let us know. All hands are helpful!!
4. Show up to the parade site (TBA) on December 3, at a designated time to drop your Star and find a place to observe!
5. Parade ends around 3pm. Please pick up your Star at the designated location and time.
Non-refundable fee of $30 per dancer, $15 per Sparkle Family is charged on November 1st.
Costume distribution will be announced. Hair and make-up will be required by each student.
All Level 1-6 Dancers MUST wear White canvas shoes with white laces.
****Please note that the North Meck Parade has NOTHING to do with the Christmas Performance Troupe as they are two entirely separate activities****
Parade Instructions will be emailed to participants when all times and locations have been selected by the parade committee in Davidson.
Christmas Events Google Calendar
Scroll to see GCAPA's history in the North Meck Parade.
Click the green buttons to see more photos from each float!

Winner - Best Overall Float
Winner - Most Enthusiastic Float
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