~Every GCAPA Parent

Like a Girl
Recitals are Sunday, June 8, 2025 at Mooresville PAC
Welcome to GCAPA! You have completely made our year by becoming a part of our community! We plan to spend the year showing your Star how to shine! And you can be the paparazzi!
We thought it best to answer a few important FAQ’s to get you started so that you can familiarize yourself with the layout and get accustomed to what to expect. If we have forgotten anything, please let us know.
The Band App
Many quick responses are received via veteran parents in the band app. It’s a very busy season for the Crew, so there’s a great chance that if you can’t get one of the Crew right away or after hours, there’s a parent with some knowledge! Just post your question and someone will lead you to the answer! Click the icon to download the app or go to band.us on your desktop.
recital handbook
You will receive a Recital Handbook with all the information that pertains to JUST YOU! Inside the handbook you will find quick links and QR codes to order flowers, where to download your pictures and how to purchase tickets. Be sure to keep your handbook close once you receive it.
Audience Dress Code
When dressing for a recital, all guests are asked to dress for the occasion, just like live theatre. Dancers have worked hard for 10 months, so the occasion calls for your Sunday best! Please leave shorts, flip-flops, cut-offs, and jeans at home for this special day!
Costumes will be distributed during Parent Visitation Week March 24-29. During this week, parents are invited to attend class with their children where they will receive a Recital Handbook and receive instructions about all things recital!
recital Pictures
Sparkles and B Level Dancers will have their pictures taken on May 9th & 10th at the studio. A full schedule will be provided in an email and your recital handbook. Your photos will be available to you for download within 2 weeks. QR codes will be in your handbook and remember: they are yours included in the Recital fee! No extra charge!
Tickets are sold in the order that you register. If you were the first to register for the Dance Season, you will be the first called to choose your seats. Recitals are reserved seating which means your seat will be selected prior to show day for your assurance. If you lose your tickets, kindly wait at the back of the line until we have time to look it up.
Dress Rehearsal
Dress Rehearsal will be at the Mooresville Performing Arts Center. Dates and Times will be disclosed in your Recital Handbook. This is a closed rehearsal for just the dancers and Crew.
drop off and pick up
At Dress Rehearsal, Sparkles and Levels 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B will be signed in by the same adult who signs them out. This is a major safety protocol with strict adherance. We want to be sure your child is going home with the right person. On the day of the Recital (Sunday), children will be handed to their parents from the Blue Carpet by their teacher.
The Mooresville Performing Arts Center is located at 160 S. Magnolia Street in Mooresville on the MHS campus. The address will be printed on your tickets.
Concessions are now easier than ever with Square available in the lobby. No more searching for a signal outside! We strive to make your experience as easy and rewarding as possible! Concessions will accept cash or credit card.
what to pack
Sparkles: no need to over do it. Just pack their extra costumes if wearing more than one. Be sure to arrive to both Dress Rehearsal and Recital in costume and shoes with hair and make up complete! Stars in more than one routine may have a bit more to pack. Instructions will be included in your Recital Handbook!
Ample parking is available on all side of the auditorium. If there is a basketball tournament in the building, we will send a notice ahead of time. This sometimes can make parking a touch tight. Please be sure not to drop dancers off in a through lane.
Concessions are now easier than ever with Square available in the lobby. No more searching for a signal outside! We strive to make your experience as easy and rewarding as possible! Concessions will accept cash or credit card.
Our first goal is to help your Star Shine. Immediately following, we want you to have an easy and enjoyable experience at GCAPA. If we have forgotten something or overlooked something, we hope that you will let us know so that we can provide the best service and experience for you and your Star! Hats off to an amazing year of learning and community!!
Miss Wendi and the GCAPA CREW

Jackie A., Parent

This is an exceptionally well-run dance studio. The staff and teachers are all friendly and accommodating. Wendi is very knowledgeable on dance techniques and is detail-focused. At the same time, she understands how to engage well with young children and get them excited about the routines and why it’s important to master the dance techniques. I also appreciate how Wendi has created an atmosphere where the girls build each other up. I highly recommend this dance school!
Karen Hollingsworth, Parent

Grand Central Academy of Performing Arts truly is our home away from home. My girls have been dancing there since 2017 and they absolutely love it! They not only learn amazingly choreographed routines to perform, but they also learn the art of dance, and are making lifelong friends along the way!
Mia S., Student

​This is my 11th year at GCAPA, and I was quite literally raised in this studio. All of the teachers are patient and understanding. I am so proud to be a part of the team. Even if I am not looking from the perspective of a parent, I highly appreciate the age-appropriate costumes and choreography because I personally am not comfortable with wearing anything too revealing. I have made many life-lasting friendships and my experience here has been amazing! Awesome studio; 100% recommended!

Alicia Deakins, Parent

My 6 year old daughter started at Grand Central Academy a few months ago [2022] and i couldn’t be more impressed! Miss Wendi and Miss Abby have gone above and beyond in terms of helping me figure out what class has been right for her, answering various questions about classes, costumes, camps, etc. They are engaged and accessible to myself and all parents. My daughter’s instructor, Miss Melissa is so positive, warm, and encouraging and my daughter absolutely loves her. The environment is great and I couldn’t be happier about bringing my daughter to Grand Central.
Erin M., Parent

We took our daughter for her first dance lesson to try out the dance studio. It was such a great experience for my daughter that we immediately enrolled!
Kathryn Merz, Parent

My daughter is in her 6th year of dancing at GCAPA. Her technique, skills, and confidence has grown and developed quickly in this time. She absolutely loves it and always enjoys going to class. My husband and I appreciate the modest and age appropriate costumes and choreography. My daughter and I have both made friendships that will last forever and are truly grateful.