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A program developed specifically for ages 2-6.
Age is determined by age on 9/1 of the current academic year.

Parent - Toddler
Ages Walking to 3
30 min weekly
Punch Card Classes
Click on a class to learn more.
45 min weekly
Toddler Funk
45 min weekly
Preschool Funk
30 min weekly
45 min weekly
60 min weekly
Musical Theatre Dance/Hip-hop
45 min weekly
75 min weekly
45 min weekly
90 min weekly
Not Currently Available
Performance Opportunities
Christmas Troupe
Christmas Parade
Second Class Discount
Any Sparkle enrolled in 2 classes receives a 10% discount on the second class monthly tuition and 20% on the third.
Closings: All Patriotic Holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas,
Easter Break, MLK Day
Make-up Classes: Missed classes can be made up on other days of the same level class.
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In 2015, Miss Wendi was noticing a change in younger students and made a complete overhaul of the younger student program in her studio. She realized that the world had change and digital was now trickling into younger kids. Additionally, she wanted to be able to duplicate herself in the classroom. That’s when Sparkle was born!
What is Sparkle Dance?
The Sparkle Dance Program is a menu of classes for kids ages 2-6 just starting out in their dance career. Classes are separated by age and genre. Core classes are those that include Ballet and Tap. Sparkles can take any class without prerequisites. Multi-class discounts are available to any one student taking multiple Lake Norman Dance Studio classes. The Sparkle curriculum was written with today’s child in mind, keeping things light and fresh while also keeping progress and technique at the core.
How old does a dancer have to be?
With the new addition of Ready Set Dance, 2-year-olds can now join in on the fun! Most non-dancers don’t realize that dance is not a seasonal sport. Dance runs on an academic calendar August through June. However, don’t let that scare you away from dance altogether. In the Sparkle Program, dancers are welcome to start Lake Norman Dance Studio class anytime throughout the year.
Can boys take class with girls? Are there boys only classes available?
We do encourage boys to take class with girls. Over the years, GCAPA has seen many boys throughout the program and they have all benefited from the Lake Norman Dance Studio class in so many different ways. However, we do have a boys only dance class for boys ages 5-7 classed Sparks. This class is Hip-hop and Tap for 45 minutes each week.
Where does a dancer get placed if he/she has taken class somewhere else?
All Sparkles are placed solely based on age. If we determine that a dancer can handle much more, we will not hesitate to move them up. The ages in the Sparkle program were segregated so that children could learn at the pace of a child their own age. It makes no sense that children would go to school with kids their own age, but dance in a multi-age class. The reason we separate kids this way is because a young 2yo is vastly different from an older 4yo. It’s almost 3 years different. Any parent can tell you the tremendous amount of growth between their young toddler and their almost Kindergartener. Socially, it is critical that children dance with children who are going through the same experiences as themselves. For this reason, we start by placing ALL Sparkles by age first.
What are the age groups of classes?
Classes are listed below by age. The average student will progress by age, but don't get discouraged if your dancer needs to spend a second term in the same class. As kids age up, they will spend more time in the same level as there is quite a lot of material to cover! Allow your child to grow at his/her pace. No need to rush things!
Which styles of dance are taught in the Sparkle Program?
Ballet and Acro are included in each of the core classes (Babies, Tots, Kids, Stars) at this Lake Norman Dance Studio. Tap is also included, but for Sparkle Babies we hold off until January to start their tap experience. This gives the class time to learn classroom etiquette, the classroom routine, and coordination while helping the Sparkles to manage expectations for the first half of the season.
What can I expect my child to learn in Sparkle classes?
This high-energy class was made especially for the toddler! Learning to move with music in so many different way, helps the brain to function at full-capacity! Balance, coordination, autonomy, mimicking, and team work is just the beginning!
This curriculum was designed to address coordination for a 3yo, balance, plyometrics, and gross motor skills for a 3yo, classroom etiquette for a 3yo, and giving them time to learn from an authority other than a parent. For most Sparkle Babies, this is their first independent classroom experience.
This curriculum was designed to address the following for 4yos: fine/gross motor skills, balance, plyometrics, behavior, turn-taking, spatial awareness, and social skills. Many Sparkle Tots are taking their first ever class away from parents and we address the non-parent authority figure with classroom etiquette and encourage social behavior reinforcing with praise while redirection instead of discipline.
These progressive classes get the Sparkles well on their way to deciding if dance is in their future. The curricula is designed to promote independence, confidence, strength, perseverance, behavior, rhythm, and grace as well as the dance steps included. For some, this is the first time a Sparkle Kid is meeting a new authority figure aside from their parents. The age requirement for this class coincides with Kindergarten for this reason. We believe that the reinforcement of social behavior in the school classroom as well as in dance will help each child’s proper development.
This class is designed for the K-1st grader looking to challenge their body to stretch, contort, and tumble at their own pace, promoting confidence, self-esteem, memory, flexibility, strength, and spatial awareness.
This Lake Norman Dance Studio class was designed for fun! The curriculum includes steps that promote coordination, balance, cross-lateral function, and rhythm while the behavioral component addresses self-esteem, confidence, non-parent authority, focus, and social skills.
This class was designed for the Lake Norman Dance Studio superstar! If your child is the type of kid who LOVES to get in front of an audience, this is the class for them! Get a head-start on being a triple threat in this great class of acting, singing AND dancing. If your Sparkle is still a touch shy, try the Show Sparkles class until they’re ready!
This class was designed specifically for boysin a Lake Norman Dance Studio! For some, there is still a stigma for boys and dance and we hope to alleviate that sting with an all boys class that shows that #boysdancetoo. Tap and Hip-hop should get them started with a bang!
What can you really teach a 2 year old child?
A lot! It takes about 6 weeks for these rowdy toddlers to get the hang of taking class, but they get there! Through the Ready Set Dance curriculum, we are teaching them independence, self-esteem, playing nice with others, following instruction from someone who is not “Mom,” focus, coordination, balance, listening, social development, compassion for others, patience, using indoor voices, taking turns and so much more.
What are the benefits of dance for such young children?
Based on the above explanation of what we teach in the classroom, the benefits from a structured dance class include listening to non-parent authority, improved peripheral vision, hand-eye coordination, balance, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, social development, speech, patience, and so much more. For some kids, this learning curve is shorter or longer than the average child, but they all catch on eventually. Watchout! Because they will soar! When looking for a Lake Norman Dance Studio, GCAPA has every class you will need!
Can I watch my child take dance class?
Believe it or not, parents are the biggest distraction for little ones. Whether they want you by their side for the duration, are learning to be independent for the first time and need their space to to do, or need to focus on themselves without a parent’s worries, toddlers need this 30 minutes without distraction. However, we do have open curtain one week each month. We welcome all photography but NO videography as the curricula is proprietary.
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